Annual Conference

Register NOW!
2019 THVP Conference
October 24 in Nashville

This year’s conference key note speaker and facilitator is Sabrina Clark, Director of Voluntary Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C.
Members pay only $95 for the full day conference which includes education sessions, round tables. breakfast, lunch and snacks.
Non-Members receive a year’s membership in THVP with their registration.

THVP 2019 Conference info & registration


What They Are Saying

THVP membership has allowed me to make contacts across the state. I have made professional and lifelong friends that are there to help, advise, cry with and laugh with! The original intent was to join a professional organization to teach me more about volunteer management and the reality is they’ve taught me more than that. It’s a wonderful group of individuals and I’m proud to be a member of THVP.

Barbara Wright - Tennova Healthcare – Knoxville