The following is a list of websites that members have indicated have been helpful. This is not a comprehensive list and it does not imply endorsement of any organization or business.
THVP on Social Media
Healthcare Specific
Association for Healthcare Volunteer Resource Professionals (AHVRP): National association for volunteer managers in healthcare which offers resources and professional contacts you may use to manage your volunteer program.
Society for Healthcare Volunteer Leaders (SHVL): Regional association for volunteer managers in healthcare.
Tennessee Hospital Association (THA): Advocacy and support organization for Tennessee hospitals.
American Hospital Association (AHA): National organization that helps and supports all types of hospitals, healthcare networks and patients.
AHA Solutions: American Hospital Association portal to connect hospitals with products and services.
Joint Commission: Joint Commission website
Volunteer Recruitment / Listing Sites
VolunteerMatch: National listing of volunteer opportunities. They connect idealists with opportunities for action.
Senior Corp: Connects individuals over 55 with non-profit organizations.
General Volunteer Management
Independent Sector: Leadership forum for charitable organizations. Provides dollar value of volunteer service. Online library for nonprofits including an entire section on volunteer management.
The NonProfit Times: The leading business publication for nonprofit management.
Points of Light: Calendars, marketplace catalog, National Volunteer Week and more.
World Volunteer Web: United Nations volunteer website that focuses on worldwide volunteerism.
Energize: Volunteer management resources for directors of volunteers.