Helpful Links

The following is a list of websites that members have indicated have been helpful. This is not a comprehensive list and it does not imply endorsement of any organization or business.

THVP on Social Media


Healthcare Specific

Association for Healthcare Volunteer Resource Professionals (AHVRP): National association for volunteer managers in healthcare which offers resources and professional contacts you may use to manage your volunteer program.

Society for Healthcare Volunteer Leaders (SHVL): Regional association for volunteer managers in healthcare.

Tennessee Hospital Association (THA): Advocacy and support organization for Tennessee hospitals.

American Hospital Association (AHA): National organization that helps and supports all types of hospitals, healthcare networks and patients.

AHA Solutions: American Hospital Association portal to connect hospitals with products and services.

Joint Commission: Joint Commission website

Volunteer Recruitment / Listing Sites

VolunteerMatch: National listing of volunteer opportunities. They connect idealists with opportunities for action.

Senior Corp: Connects individuals over 55 with non-profit organizations.

General Volunteer Management

Independent Sector: Leadership forum for charitable organizations. Provides dollar value of volunteer service. Online library for nonprofits including an entire section on volunteer management.

The NonProfit Times: The leading business publication for nonprofit management.

Points of Light: Calendars, marketplace catalog, National Volunteer Week and more.

World Volunteer Web: United Nations volunteer website that focuses on worldwide volunteerism.

Energize: Volunteer management resources for directors of volunteers.


What They Are Saying

We are the dependable, efficient and kind department that is full of energy and ideas. It’s great to get together with colleagues to share those ideas, collaborate together and share best practices. There’s nothing like knowing there is someone else out there who is experiencing what you are experiencing and figuring out together how best to move through that opportunity to grow and learn.

Amy Perkins, CAVS - The University of Tennessee Medical Center